Friday, October 9, 2015


were you riveted by the 100% recycled material ( no koch Industries owned georgia-pacific paper ) rolling stone magazine article on joe strummer too ?

it was reported that he began crying when he saw a picture of a u s bomb painted with the words " rock the casbah " during the first gulf war

and apparently his brother was so despondent over the effects of the thatcher administration on his nation that he committed suicide under a bush or some type of shrub by swallowing a whole bottle of aspirin ( not recommended by medical professionals as a suicide choice btw )

he " earned"  his name playing  ukelele busking in london tube ( subway ) stations for in his words not knowing how to play a ukelele so he d strum it  like a rythym guitar

he and his fellow streetvivalists would take over abandon flats ( apartment complexes / buildings (?) ) fix them up steal electric from meter and cables mb pay part of property tax and live there until there was a big row ( fight )  and they'd move away again...

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